
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Hello and Welcome

This blog will be both the recording of my progression in learning to use a sewing machine, and hopefully I can also teach you (my reader) a thing or two. Now as to why I decided to start this little venture, at my high school graduation requirements are exceedingly complicated (mainly for the students). In order for me to get through high school I need to fill requirements for certain projects, one of these is the technology project. My unbridled love of creating things is what helped me to decide that this sewing blog would be the best bet.

Why would I learn something from you when you're just starting out?

I have an extremely independent spirit, I refuse to use most of the patterns laid out for me (I say most just in case there's something extremely cool I decide to try). I instead take a different approach, and much like Doctor Frankenstein, using the cast aside pieces of patterns to create an entirely different garment that reaches through from the recesses of my creative mind! cue maniacal laughter. So in short, I have a lot of cool ideas that you too can try to put into practice. Fair warning the first one or two posts might be a little boring, but once I master the skills necessary my imagination made real will rock your faces off! (Hopefully)

Once you get a handle of using a sewing machine what do you plan to use to, "Rock my faces off!"? 

I pull lots of inspiration from niche styles that you wouldn't normally see just walking down even the busiest city street. I'm talking what I like to call, "convention wear" the kind of stuff that sits dusty in your closet till Comic-Con! That corset that you only pull out for the renaissance fair! That all black thing you only wear to hang out with your goth buddies! That extremely old dress your great grandmother wore in 1875 that you love but don't know what to do with! Cosplay, historical, goth, modernized vintage, steampunk, and even occasionally something else! All places where I get my ideas. In fact I have devoted my Polyvore account to showing people how these such pieces can be used to dress for everyday occasions, not just those special moments when you're truly encouraged to let your freak flag fly!

You sound pretty passionate about your message on the regular use of, "convention wear" why aren't you using this blog to teach others how to put that into practice or something like that? 

Because if I did that not only would I have no clue where to start, but I wouldn't be able to make any of the design sketches I've done over the years a reality. Also, a blog all about convention wear in every day life would most likely end up becoming a giant somewhat repetitive rant about the injustice and intolerance of society. Not only does no one want to read that, but I'd get beyond bored writing it.

An extra note to keep in mind as you follow my postings  

If I at any point do something dumb, wrong, awesome, or grammatically incorrect please feel free to leave a comment informing me. I don't bite, and if I don't like your advice, I'll thank you for your input and promptly not take it. Please also leave a comment if you would like me to cover more of a certain topic, style, or whatever you just want to see more of! I'd love to make this a more enjoyable experience all around! If you feel the need you could even leave a comment just to tell me I'm a "dirty hippie!" or an "out of touch colorblind ostrich!" although the second one sounds a little bit really stupid and poorly thought out. I'm here to learn (yes that sounds really dorky), have fun, and to some extent provide a service to my readers. That service is to write as entertaining a blog as possible.

Thank You!

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