
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

A Delay in the Post

Hi everyone, I'm sorry the timing of my last post was so weird. I've been really stressed out lately, and have a crap-ton of work hanging over my head. I want to post a how-to involving one of my designs but I don't know where to start. It took me forever to find a bandeau top pattern, but I'm only using that design for the neckline. I want to make a strapless orange satin top which I plan to add black lace and sleeves to later, but but not only can't I find a decent pattern for that kind of thing, I wouldn't know where to start with sizing it. I have a crap ton of plushie patterns I could try, but they're more for hand than machine sewing. Speaking of plushies, I'm still working on that Mosasaurus plushie for you all.
Everything feels like a mess, from my computer breaking down, to my room falling apart, and my senior requirements not being met. My Mother tried to keep me from letting everything fall apart, but I knew it wasn't going to work. I'm trying my best, but I need a vacation or something. BADLY.

Image by someone called Silent Reaper
that's probably a screen name since I got it off Google.

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